How To Implement FOMO On Your Website: The Secret To Making Your Visitors Want to Buy

Elsie Matthews - Proofly blog author
Elsie Matthews

March 8, 2022 | 5,197 views | 7 min. read time

FOMO, or the fear of missing out, is the phenomenon that makes people feel bad if they don’t participate in an activity as a group. This feeling can take control of some people and make them compulsively check their social media accounts to see what their friends are up to. There are time scales for this too; it might take you two minutes to see what your friends were up to that day, but it can also take 20 minutes if you check frequently. Once you recognize FOMO as a threat, you need to create ways on how to implement it on your website so that your visitors feel less guilty about not buying from you. Here’s how:

Create a sense of urgency

First, you need to make your visitors feel like they are losing out on something if they don’t buy now. This creates a sense of urgency and makes people want to act now. You can create urgency by adding scarcity to your products. For example, if you are selling tickets for an event, you can add a time limit on each ticket. Or if you are selling a product, you can add a date when the product will no longer be available. Scarcity can instantly make a product seem much more valuable.

Make it easy to buy

Another way you can create a sense of urgency is by making it easy for your customers to buy. One of the best ways to do this is by having a free trial period. If you are selling a product, offering free samples is another great way to create urgency. You can also add free shipping to make the purchase seem more urgent.

Provide transparency and inclusion

Next, make your customers feel included by adding transparency to the process. This means that you need to create an experience where you are including your customers. This includes making the buying experience easy and transparent, allowing them to ask questions and getting the answers they need. You can also make it easy for your customers to get a refund if they are unhappy with their purchase. When you create a sense of inclusion, you are showing them that they are a part of your brand. You can do this by creating an open forum on your website where visitors can ask questions, comment on your blog posts, and leave reviews. This creates a sense of belonging and inclusion within your brand.

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Show you care by having a conversation

Next, you need to create a sense of belonging and inclusion by creating a conversation between you and your customers. This means that you need to create a dialogue with your visitors. This can be as simple as discussing your product with a customer and getting their opinion. You can also have a conversation about your brand and create a community around your products and products that you offer. This creates a sense of belonging because you are creating a space where you are helping your customers. This shows them that you care about them as people, and not just as customers.

Don’t be afraid to provide a refund

The last thing you need to do to implement FOMO on your website is to be willing to give refunds. This might make you look unprofessional, but it is important to create a buying experience that your customers are happy with. You might end up creating a product that your customers like a lot, but they aren’t exactly sure how to use it. Maybe they want to try an alternative to what you provided, or they want to ask you questions that you might not know the answer to. If this is the case, you need to be willing to give a refund. This, again, creates a sense of urgency because your customers now have a reason to buy right now, they don’t want to waste money on a product that they may not like.


FOMO is when people feel bad if they don’t participate in an activity as a group. This feeling can take control of some people and make them compulsively check their social media accounts to see what their friends are up to. You can use this feeling to your advantage by creating ways on how to implement FOMO on your website. Make your products seem more valuable with a sense of scarcity, make it easy to buy, and provide transparency in the buying process and inclusion for your customers. Finally, be willing to give refunds if your customers are not 100% happy with their purchase.

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